Halloween is more than just a Holiday, it's a lifestyle. from 1800s to Present it has been an amazing psychological kind of vibe of the holiday. This Blog is all about everything related to Halloween from the Horror Movies, Halloween Kid shows and Halloween Food.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Anyone donating Blood during this pandemic? I might
Soon and every 3 seconds everyone needs blood to help people during this time and it is a good thing to do will everybody be helping people with this time. Soon, after this pandemic or sooner i will donate my blood to help others. I am O+ means i can help other positive type blood types and other blood types as well. Here's a video from the red cross and some pictures of Blood Bags that will be in my latest Happy Halloween Tributes and i recommend staying hydrated when giving blood either with your doctor or other stuff. I plan to donate in October so i can earn the digital badge, "I want your Blood" Blood donation Badge. Also, i really want to help people that are in danger or need it. This is such a good blog post and i hope you all read this blog, donate blood and watch the videos in this Blog post. Thanks for the support of this Halloween Blog.
A dh ’aithghearr agus a h-uile 3 diog feumaidh a h-uile duine fuil gus daoine a chuideachadh rè na h-ùine seo agus is e rud math a th’ ann am bi a h-uile duine a ’cuideachadh dhaoine leis an àm seo. A dh ’aithghearr, às deidh a’ ghalair sgaoilte seo no nas luaithe bheir mi seachad m ’fhuil gus daoine eile a chuideachadh. Tha mi O + a ’ciallachadh gun urrainn dhomh seòrsaichean fala dearbhach eile agus seòrsachan fala eile a chuideachadh cuideachd. Seo bhidio bhon chrois dhearg agus cuid de dhealbhan de Bhagannan Fala a bhios anns na Tributes Happy Halloween as ùire agam agus tha mi a ’moladh fuireach hydrated nuair a bheir thu fuil an dàrna cuid leis an dotair agad no stuth eile. Tha mi an dùil tabhartas a thoirt seachad san Dàmhair gus an urrainn dhomh a ’bhràiste dhidseatach a chosnadh,“ Tha mi ag iarraidh do bhràiste fuil ”. Cuideachd, tha mi dha-rìribh ag iarraidh daoine a tha ann an cunnart no a tha feumach air a chuideachadh. Is e post blog math a tha seo agus tha mi an dòchas gun leugh thu uile am blog seo, a ’toirt seachad fuil agus a’ coimhead na bhideothan anns a ’phost Blog seo. Taing airson taic bhon Bhlog Oidhche Shamhna seo.
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